Strong Ones, It's Safe to Feel Your Feelings
Hello, strong ones. I see you.
It’s not weak to feel your feelings.
What if it’s actually brave?? What if it’s actually the highest path for healing? What if it shows your true strength?
Feeling instead of suppressing is what is truly needed if you want to heal. Emotion is just energy coming up to move. It’s frequency alchemizing, if you allow it to.
Many get stuck in their own darkness and stuck in their own healing because they shove things under the rug.
But facing how you feel is THE moment you can allow yourself to be free of them.
Maybe you grew up in a household where you didn’t feel safe to show emotion, and it was merely because your parents didn’t know how to manage their own. They weren’t taught how.
When you let your emotions pass THROUGH, with no shame, meaning, or story attached to it, you can let what needs to vent…vent…
And on the other side, is liberation. :)