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Rise into the most confident, transformational + intuitive Coach you know

become a Spiritual + intuitive Life Coaching through my digital Certification + training course

I train first class coaches


Hi, I'm Amanda!

over the last 10 years, I’ve been an intuitivE coach + secret sauce behind top ceos, entrepreneurs, + Public figures

In addition to my high level 1:1 coaching work, I’ve also trained coaches in over 12 countries over the last 6 years through this spiritual and intuitive life coaching certification program

I’m passionate about training high integrity, heart-centered, empowering coaches who live this work + walk their talk.

If you feel like you are meant to take this program, there is no time like the present! Follow the nudge from your spirit. You can check out the testimonial video above to hear what my past grads are saying.

If you have some more questions, one of my past grads who’s built her own successful business from this Certification Program is happy to help! Feel free to book a 20-30 minute chat with her below.

Love, Amanda

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This is an exciting time to be alive!

our earth is going through an ascension + a massive wake up call

you’ve likely seen countless LEADERS boldly stepping out where you want to be...Sharing their voice, making a huge impact, + growing their own coaching businesses. 

I like to call these LEADERS…

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What if I told you that…

You are meant to be one of them?


One of those who came on this planet to change it.

to empower others to heal, transform, + live their highest potential.

to Lead + share your voice.

the next step into confidence can start now


Who is this for?

both new + current coaches

some of my students even take this just for their own personal growth

People from all over the world step into this program because they desire to become the most successful, empowering, heart-centered, intuitive, + confident coach they know.

This is not only a spiritual certification! We touch on 4 Aspects of the Self: Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, Physical

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the way to stand out in this industry is to be authentic

I help pull out your own unique superpowers in this course


Have more questions? Book a 20 minute soul chat with amanda’s enrollment team + past grads of the program

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In this course,

You will learn spiritual, mental, emotional, and energy mastery teachings, to create long term transformation in your clients lives.

These tools will help both you + them step into an empowered life that’s aligned with their higher self.

This is more than just a sheet of paper saying you’ve been trained as a Coach

This is a coaching training just as much as it is a personal awakening + transformational journey


Client Comment Wall

see what they’re saying!

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Let’s dive into what getting trained by me will look like


Spiritual Coaching Curriculum Topics

  • Mind + Thought Pattern Rewiring

  • Recoding, Reprogamming, Rewiring into your Highest Future Self

  • Developing Your Intuition + Spiritual Gifts

  • Mastering the Emotions

  • Accessing the Power of the Heart for healing, transformation, + creation of desires

  • Feminine + Masculine Energy

  • Creation + Manifesting Tools with God/Source

  • Healing Relationships through the Heart-Centered Communication

  • Embodying your Highest Self

  • Morning Practice Tools

  • Self Worth from the Soul

  • 4 Aspects of the Human Self: Mental, Emotional, Physical, Spiritual

  • The Power of Prayer + Meditation

  • Quantum Shifting + Parallel Universes

  • Connecting to your Angels + Guides

  • Soulmates + Relationships

  • So much more!

Coaching Mastery tools + Training

  • Using Your Intuition in Sessions

  • Listen + Communicate Effectively As a Coach

  • How to Lead Clients through a Transformation

  • Accountability + Follow Through as a Coach

  • How to Provide Support in Between Sessions through Voxer, Email, or Whats App without burning out

  • Hold Space for Emotional Breakthroughs

  • Walking Your Client Back to their Power

  • Making Your Client Feel Seen

  • How to Have a Powerful First Call

  • More!

Business foundations training topics

  • Following Your Intuition in Business

  • Creating your Highest Ideal Client

  • Creating 2-3 Signature Coaching Packages

  • Partnering with God in Your Success

  • Making your Brand Feel Like You

  • Sacred Sales Call Mastery: How to Run a Consult

  • Choosing Where to Grow Your Business: On or Off Social Media

  • Instagram + TikTok Marketing Tips

  • Creating a Buzz Around Your Offers

  • Attracting Clients Outside of Social Media

  • Leadership Training: Walking Your Talk On + Offline

  • Boundaries + Communication Skills in Business

  • Manifesting Paying Soulmate Clients

  • Client Agreement Template

  • Business Map + Plan to get to your Goal

  • Amanda’s favorite items Tech Setup: lighting, microphones, email marketing tools, website recommendations, + more

  • So much more!


You will be able to share that you’ve been trained as a coach, by amanda marit, through illuminated coaching certification

You’ll also leave:

  • Having coached 2 practice clients for 1 month each + have 2 new testimonials to add to your website

  • With the tools + confidence to lead a client through their own transformation

  • With a full kit of tools + exercises to use in your sessions, as well as journal prompts, morning practices, + more

  • Completely transformed, having undergone your own transformation into your Highest Self as Coach

  • Knowing who your ideal 1:1 client + have direction for your coaching business

  • With a business plan + next steps to work toward getting your first/next 5 paid 1:1 clients

  • So much more!


The list doesn't end here.

it is so much more than just a certification program,

This is an activation from your Higher Self

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The 3 pillars of the coaching certification

You’ll experience every important aspect of the ILLUMINATED coaching Framework


I wholeheartedly believe in...

the methods taught in this certification program

What I love the most is seeing my students coach their own clients + receive countless glowing reviews after taking this course

Testimonials from past students:

Here’s what a few of my students had to say about their experience, and what made this the most unique & fulfilling journey

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Say yes to your dream coaching business now

we are now enrolling + the first digital modules will be released mid to end of july

join by july 15th + get an extra $5000 in the following bonuses:

  • 6 monthly LIVE Q+A group CALLS (valued at $3000!!) Calls begin the first week of august

  • instant access to soul coach yourself (7 week spiritual transformation course) ($1297)

  • instant Access to ascend your money Course (4 week program (Value of $497)

  • instant Access to under the influence of angels course (value of $199)

This spiritual coaching + business training program was $11,000 — you get it now for 50% off

With the added $5000 in bonuses, it’s worth over $16,000!

You’re getting everything included at more than 50% off

so It’s actually 65% off!

A couple of new clients could cover this entire cost of the program! For some of the coaches I’ve trained, this investment is LESS than 1 client.

Enroll now + say yes to this special rate + bonuses


Note on Klarna as a payment option: Free to explore . Just click the option at checkout + you’ll be redirected to their site. After you setup a free account, it will show you many different payment options. You won’t be charged until you complete the checkout. US only.

jump in + let’s celebrate your new beginning

and all of your future clients who are on the other side 🥂

Enroll + access to 4 Bonus Courses now! Turn It On is currently running.

You’ll also have access to The Meditation Portal Membership for 6 months!

This investment is an amazing deal! We can’t even believe we’re offering all of this!!


Have more questions? Book a 20 minute soul chat with amanda’s enrollment team + past grads of the program

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Frequently Asked Questions

About illuminated coaching certification

+ When Does The Digital Program Begin?

The Modules for the certification will start dropping mid to end of July, with the first live Q+A and Kickoff Call on August 4th

+ If I enroll early, are there any bonuses?

Yes! If you jump in before August 1st, you will receive 6 Live Q+A Calls held monthly, Soul Coach Yourself Transformation Course, Ascend Your Money Course, Turn It On Course, Access to The Meditation Portal - This all equals well over $5000 in bonuses!

+ Can I refer a friend?

Yes! If you'd like to join our affiliate program, please email and my team can get you the details!

+ Am I qualified?

People of all backgrounds, ages, and experience are welcome! We have students ranging from aspiring coaches, to current coaches who want to level up their skills, + those who take this program for their own personal growth with no desire to coach others

+ How do I know if this is for me?

Does it feel exciting + light up in your body when you think about doing it? This is one of those programs where Amanda's students just know they are being called to be a part of it. It's a feeling you can't explain. Amanda believes each person who chooses to join her world is a Divine Appointments! You will feel it. Our ideal clients led their intuition guide their decision.

+ I’ve done a previous certification, does that matter?

It's totally cool if you've taken other training programs! We are confident that this program is unlike anything else. We have clients who have taken previous certifications that also specialize in other tools outside of the curriculum of this course. 

+ How many hours a week will I need to set aside?

1 hour of time in addition to our trainings is typical, but you will also be applying the teachings to your daily life. Keep in mind that this will be work that excites you! Many of our clients share that they look forward to it each week.

+ What is the investment + are there payment plans?

The investment is $5497, and yes we offer payment plans! Klarna is also now an option to those in the US. Keep in mind, the recent live course investment was $11,000, so this investment is amazing. You could make it back in a couple of clients, for some of you this is even just one 3 month client.

+ Can I chat with someone to make sure this is a fit before committing?

Yes! If you'd like to book a call with a team member, there's a link on this page for you to book! She's amazing + the call is relaxed, low pressure, + about 20 minutes. We want this to feel like a fit for you!

+ I'm on the fence. Should I do it?

If it were us, we would! If there's even a small part of you that's curious, a quick chat can't hurt. You have nothing to lose! What if this is the thing that completely changes everything for you?


Illuminated COACHING CERTIFICATION by Amanda Marit

© Amanda Marit LLC 2024

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