06/28/22 Energy Update: Go Easy On Yourself


Hey love!

Sharing an energy update, because A LOT Is happening right now!!  This is a gentle reminder to go easy on yourself πŸ’–

✨6-28-22 Energy Update (for at least next 3-4 days):

Okay this might be a long one because I want to share on a few important things I'm getting.

First off, how are you feeling? Assessing + reassessing relationships is hot on the table right now. As well as tending to the relationship you have with yourself. 

Lets dive into the relationship with yourself, since it's the foundation for everything else. How do you nurture and hold space for yourself when emotions come up? Waves of emotions may be coming up right now to cleanse out old energy. 🌊 Some moments are high, and then a wave comes up. Honor it and be gentle and loving with yourself as you feel.

Remember we can only meet others as deeply as we've met ourselves. For those who desire to be in an emotionally fulfilling relationship, whether you're currently paired up or calling a new love in, it all begins with how we are loving ourselves first. This is a great time to "date yourself first" as you hear me say a lot.

πŸš€ On another note, right now you're being prepared to blast off in a whole new direction in your life. It might not look like much is happening, but I promise you there's a lot of prep work going on behind the scenes. Keep going. Keep doing it. Keep putting the time in. I promise you it will add up!

It is imperative during this time that you continue to focus on the vision, work on your mindset, and not allow yourself to go back into old self-sabotaging patterns. Acknowledge how far you've come, give yourself a huge hug for disappointments you've faced in the past, then get re-excited about your future. This will lessen the intensity of how you're feeling and get your mind back on track.

June may have felt a little slow πŸ˜… for many people because of all of these inner shifts taking place, but it's truly because you've been attuning to your future, going through a spiritual transformation, + laying groundwork with your action taking. It's a great time to work on foundational things and tightening up your structure or home right now! πŸ 

Keep in mind that prepping for something so magical + epic has required your patience (which has been frustrating), but it's because you are becoming exactly who you need to be in order to be ready to receive what you most desire AND what your Higher Self has in store for you. You wouldn't take a cake 🍰out of the oven while it was still baking, would you? 

If you need extra time to rest, work it into your schedule. 😴 Take a day off. Get a massage. Take care of your body, mind, and soul. Have a good cry to cleanse and release. It IS all happening for you if you keep looking toward your future, believing in yourself and the Universe, and taking baby steps forward. 

Again - nurture yourself now more than ever. SELF LOVE is the key that will unlock the new door you are visualizing opening for you. Take care of the details in your daily life, work on being yourself, lay a solid foundation, and everything will feel MUCH more in flow in July! I feel it!!

Okay that's all! πŸ˜˜

I know that was a lot, but I feel you all needing some reassurance that you're on the right path. Let me know if this resonated with you! 

πŸ‘‰πŸ»Would you want to see more energy updates like this?? Reply to this email and let me know.

On a random AF side note, I'm leading a FREE masterclass for Life + Business Coaches or aspiring Coaches on Sunday, June 10th at 10am, 21 Mistakes NOT To Make in Your Coaching Business  <--- legit going to spill all of my beans! Lol. These are mistakes I've either made, or have seen my clients making that has costed all of us time, energy, and money!

Since I have the wisdom, I'm more than happy to help you avoid making the same mistakes. After all, we are here to help the world and be the ABSOLUTE most First Class coaches... right now.

Click here to sign up for free! A replay will be available after.


Amanda Marit Celebrity Coach + Founder of Illuminated Coaching Certification

Other ways I can support you: High Level Mastermind starting on 8/10, and I'm also training another round of Life Coaches! To Become a Life Coach in 2022 Click Here 

Lexi Cheng

Hi I'm Lexi! I’m a creative director + web designer at Dynamo Ultima. I am a sales page design enthusiast, extreme sport lover & huge astrology fanatic.


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